1 Introduction/Background

The focus of this Case study is data cleaning of “messy” data. The focus of our analysis is the Cherry Blossom 10 mile race held annually in Washington, DC. The race was created in 1973 as a training event for top-tier runners training for the Boston Marathon. However, its popularity has grown considerably since then and become recognized as its own unique challenge in the racing community. The website cherryblossom.org has listed race results since 1973. We will be examining the years 1999 to 2012. We chose question 7 from Nolan and Lang for our analysis. Which asks to re-create the men’s web scraping and data cleaning process and create a dataframe for the women’s race results from 1999-2012.

2 Methodology

Nolan and Lang start us off on the data cleaning process by demonstrating what needed to be done to the mens data in order to transform it into useable data. They accomplished this through regex functions and data manipulation. We applied similar techniques with different R libraries to the womens data in order to generate a dataframe of womens results. We’ve listed off some of these techniques in a table below. For more detailed information on data manipulation, we’ve also commented each code block to give the grader better insight into the actions performed.

pander::pander(list(DataImport = "Importing using stringr collecting on the pre node and splitting it based on new lines. ", 
    URLS = "Concatenate all URL's with base cherry blossom URL", extract_res_table = "Adding logic for various years different formats.  ie: ", 
    list("If year is 2000, import on head 'font' tag, else import on 'pre' tag", 
        "If year is 1999, split lines by `\\n`, else split by `\\r\\n`", "For year 2001, change index for header/spacer row"), 
    WriteTxtFiles = "Create mens/womens directories and store txt results for each year", 
    findColLocs = "Using the spacer row to isolate columns", selectCols = "Applies names and indexes start position", 
    extractVariables = "Uses findColLocs and SelectCols to format the and collect data", 
    create_df = "Creates dataframe", list(usetime = "Logic for handling gun time, net time and time. Replaces blank rows", 
        runTime = "Converts time to minutes(numeric)")))
#First we use rvest library to read in results.  
ubase <- 'http://cherryblossom.org/'
url <- paste0(ubase, 'results/2012/2012cucb10m-m.htm')
doc <- read_html(url)

#Next we'll load up stringr (tidyverse) to create our function that will:
# read in the URLs, read the the table nodes marked with 'pre', 
# then split the strings based on new lines.
extract_res_table <- function(url) {
  read_html(url) %>% 
    html_nodes('pre') %>% 
    html_text() %>% 
    str_split('\\r\\n') %>% 

# List of the mens URLS
men_urls <- c(

#concatenate URLS to the base cherryblossom website.
men_urls <- paste0(ubase, men_urls)

#Using purr to apply the extract_res_table function to the mens URLS and build a list with each row being a string of the year run.
men_tables <- map(men_urls, extract_res_table)

#Looking at how many lines per year.  Noticing we've got low lengths(counts) on list entry 1 (Yr=1999), 2(Yr=2000), and 11(Yr=2009)
#map_int(men_tables, length)

#Taking a look at 1999 or first entry using str_sub
#str_sub(men_tables[[1]], 1, 200)

#Therefore, need to split on a new line entry for 1999

men_tables[[1]] <- str_split(men_tables[[1]], '\\n')[[1]]
#map_int(men_tables, length)

#Updating our extract_res_table function to recognize 1999 as a new line split.
#Also adding logic for 2000 to look at the font tag for its data.

extract_res_table <- function(url, year = 2001) {
  selector <- if (year == 2000) 'font' else 'pre'
  regexp <- if (year == 1999) '\\n' else '\\r\\n'
  #read urls and respective table tags
  result <- read_html(url) %>% 
  if (year == 2000) result <- result[[4]]
  #parse the htmltext
  result <- result %>% 
  if (year == 2009) return(result)
  #splits the table nodes with respective function for year
  result %>% 
    str_split(regexp) %>% 

# Time to recheck to see if all the data imported.
years <- 1999:2012
men_tables <- map2(men_urls, years, extract_res_table)
names(men_tables) <- years
#map_int(men_tables, length)
#Looking much better, now to the women!

#List of womens URLS
women_urls <- c(

#Inputting the same logic as for the mens and seeing what we get.
women_urls <- paste0(ubase, women_urls)
extract_res_table <- function(url, year = 2001, female = TRUE) {
  selector <- if (year == 2000) 'font' else 'pre'
  regexp <- if (year == 1999) '\\n' else '\\r\\n'
  result <- read_html(url) %>% 
  if (year == 2000) result <- result[[4]]
  result <- result %>% 
  if (year == 2009 && female == FALSE) return(result)
  result %>% 
    str_split(regexp) %>% 

#Now we import URL data for mens and womens and check their length(counts)
men_tables <- map2(men_urls, years, extract_res_table, female = FALSE)
women_tables <- map2(women_urls, years, extract_res_table, female = TRUE)
names(men_tables) <- years
names(women_tables) <- years
#map_int(men_tables, length)
#map_int(women_tables, length)

#Create directories for mens and womens.

#Writing the text files to the directories for each year
      paste('men', paste(years, 'txt', sep = '.'), sep = '/'),
      paste('women', paste(years, 'txt', sep = '.'), sep = '/'),

#Implementing column finding function from Nolan and Lang
findColLocs = function(spacerRow) {
  spaceLocs = gregexpr(" ", spacerRow)[[1]]
  rowLength = nchar(spacerRow)
  if (substring(spacerRow, rowLength, rowLength) != " ")
    return( c(0, spaceLocs, rowLength + 1))
  else return(c(0, spaceLocs))

selectCols = function(shortColNames, headerRow, searchLocs) {
  sapply(shortColNames, function(shortName, headerRow, searchLocs){
    startPos = regexpr(shortName, headerRow)[[1]]
    if (startPos == -1) return( c(NA, NA) )
    index = sum(startPos >= searchLocs)
    c(searchLocs[index] + 1, searchLocs[index + 1])
  headerRow = headerRow, searchLocs = searchLocs )

#Creating extact variables function.

extractVariables = 
  function(file, varNames =c("name", "home", "ag", "gun",
                             "net", "time"))
    eqIndex = grep("^===", file)                          #Find the first row of data

    spacerRow = file[eqIndex]                             #locate the spacer row
    headerRow = tolower(file[ eqIndex - 1 ])              #goes one row back for the header
    body = file[ -(1 : eqIndex) ]

    footnotes = grep("^[[:blank:]]*(\\*|\\#)", body)      #Locates a footer, removes if there is one.
    if ( length(footnotes) > 0 ) body = body[ -footnotes ]
    blanks = grep("^[[:blank:]]*$", body)                 #Locates blanks, removes blanks 
    if (length(blanks) > 0 ) body = body[ -blanks ]
    searchLocs = findColLocs(spacerRow)                   #Uses FindColLocs function to find columns
    locCols = selectCols(varNames, headerRow, searchLocs) 
    Values = mapply(substr, list(body), start = locCols[1, ], 
                    stop = locCols[2, ])
    colnames(Values) = varNames

#Reads in formatted womens text files
wfilenames <- list.files('women', pattern = '.txt$', full.names = TRUE)
women_files <- map(wfilenames, readLines)
names(women_files) <- str_match(wfilenames, 'women/(.*).txt')[ ,2]

#Reads in formatted mens text files
mfilenames <- list.files('men', pattern = '.txt$', full.names = TRUE)
men_files <- map(mfilenames, readLines)
names(men_files) <- str_match(mfilenames, 'men/(.*).txt')[ ,2]

#Looking at mens summary
men_res_mat <- map(men_files, extractVariables)
#map_int(men_res_mat, nrow)

#adjusting the import files for header and spacer rows for year = 2001
men_file_2001 <- men_files$`2001`
women_file_2001 <- women_files$`2001`

eq_idx_2001 <- str_which(men_file_2001, '^===')
spacer_row_2001 <- men_file_2001[eq_idx_2001]
header_row_2001 <- men_file_2001[eq_idx_2001 - 1] %>% str_to_lower()

women_files$`2001`[2] <- header_row_2001
women_files$`2001`[3] <- spacer_row_2001

#Looking at female results
women_res_mat <- map(women_files, extractVariables)
#map_int(women_res_mat, nrow)

#Formatting age to numeric for 2012
age <- as.numeric(men_res_mat$`2012`[ ,'ag'])

#Get a peek

#formatting all mens ages as numeric
age <- map(men_res_mat, ~ as.numeric(.x[ ,'ag']))
# quick boxplot of mens age distributions

age %>% enframe(name = "year", value = "age") %>% unnest() %>% filter(age, age > 
    7) %>% ggplot(aes(year, age)) + geom_boxplot() + ggtitle("Men's Ages 1999-2012")
**Figure 1: Mens Age Boxplots from 1999-2012**: *Mens median age looks to be decreasing over time.*

Figure 1: Mens Age Boxplots from 1999-2012: Mens median age looks to be decreasing over time.

# Look at womens box plots
age <- map(women_res_mat, ~as.numeric(.x[, "ag"]))
age %>% enframe(name = "year", value = "age") %>% unnest() %>% filter(age, age > 
    7) %>% ggplot(aes(year, age)) + geom_boxplot() + ggtitle("Women's Ages 1999-2012")
**Figure 2: Womens Age Boxplots from 1999-2012**: *Women's age remains consistent over course of the 13 years.*

Figure 2: Womens Age Boxplots from 1999-2012: Women’s age remains consistent over course of the 13 years.

# print('men') Looking at NA's accross womens ages sapply(age, function(x)
# sum(is.na(x)))

# Converting time by str_split, then mapping them to numeric.
convert_time <- function(t) {
    time_pieces <- str_split(t, ":")
    map_dbl(time_pieces, function(x) {
        x <- as.numeric(x)
        if (length(x) == 2) 
            x[1] + x[2]/60 else 60 * x[1] + x[2] + x[3]/60

# Creating DF for men/women.
create_df = function(Res, year, sex) {
    if (!is.na(Res[1, "net"])) 
        useTime = Res[, "net"] else if (!is.na(Res[1, "gun"])) 
        useTime = Res[, "gun"] else useTime = Res[, "time"]
    useTime = gsub("[#\\*[:blank:]]", "", useTime)
    runTime = convert_time(useTime[useTime != ""])
    Res = Res[useTime != "", ]
    age = gsub("X{2}\\s{1}?|\\s{3}?", "0  ", Res[, "ag"])
    Res[, "ag"] = age
    Results = data.frame(year = rep(year, nrow(Res)), sex = rep(sex, nrow(Res)), 
        name = Res[, "name"], home = Res[, "home"], age = as.numeric(Res[, "ag"]), 
        runTime = runTime, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# gets every line that starts with ===
separatorIdx = grep("^===", men_files[["2006"]])
# filters the list to 2006
separatorRow = men_files[["2006"]][separatorIdx]
# makes a separator row
separatorRowX = paste(substring(separatorRow, 1, 63), " ", substring(separatorRow, 
    65, nchar(separatorRow)), sep = "")

# replaces the === with the separator row
men_files[["2006"]][separatorIdx] = separatorRowX

# extracts vars from the files
menResMat = sapply(men_files, extractVariables)
# makes a list of data frames from these things
menDF = mapply(create_df, menResMat, year = 1999:2012, sex = rep("M", 14), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

# repeats above stuff^^^
separatorIdx = grep("^===", women_files[["2006"]])
separatorRow = women_files[["2006"]][separatorIdx]
separatorRowX = paste(substring(separatorRow, 1, 63), " ", substring(separatorRow, 
    65, nchar(separatorRow)), sep = "")
women_files[["2006"]][separatorIdx] = separatorRowX

women_files[[3]] = append(women_files[[3]], men_files[[3]][4:5], after = 3)

womenResMat = sapply(women_files, extractVariables)

womenDF = mapply(create_df, womenResMat, year = 1999:2012, sex = rep("W", 14), 

allMen = do.call(rbind, menDF)
allWomen = do.call(rbind, womenDF)

As you can see below, we created a dataframe for the womens data from years 1999-2012.

# names(allWomen)
allWomen <- allWomen %>% dplyr::arrange(year, runTime)
# allWomen

# Removing zero values and NA's for final summary
allWomen <- allWomen[allWomen$age != 0, ]
allWomen %>% group_by(year) %>% summarise(ag_mean = mean(age, na.rm = T), ag_max = max(age, 
    na.rm = T), ag_min = min(age, na.rm = T), ag_median = median(age, na.rm = T), 
    ag_sd = sd(age, na.rm = T)) %>% na.omit

And a similar data frame for all the mens data:

# names(allWomen)
allMen <- allMen %>% dplyr::arrange(year, runTime)
# allWomen

# Removing zero values and NA's for final summary
allMen <- allMen[allMen$age != 0, ]
allMen %>% group_by(year) %>% summarise(ag_mean = mean(age, na.rm = T), ag_max = max(age, 
    na.rm = T), ag_min = min(age, na.rm = T), ag_median = median(age, na.rm = T), 
    ag_sd = sd(age, na.rm = T)) %>% na.omit

Finally, in the name of equality, we can combine the men and women into a single data frame!

all <- rbind(allMen, allWomen)

With this, we can look at interesting comparisons between the two groups. First, we can determine who is faster, ignoring age:

all %>% ggplot() + geom_density(aes(fill = sex, x = runTime), alpha = 0.7) + 
    ggtitle("Speed of Cherry Blossom Men and Women")
**Figure 3:M/W Speed Density**: *It appears the women of the cherry blossom race are slightly slower than the men*

Figure 3:M/W Speed Density: It appears the women of the cherry blossom race are slightly slower than the men

We can also look at the general age of the runners, grouped by gender:

all %>% ggplot() + geom_density(aes(fill = sex, x = age), alpha = 0.7) + ggtitle("Age of Cherry Blossom Men and Women")
**Figure 4: M/W Age Density**: *It appears they have the same age*

Figure 4: M/W Age Density: It appears they have the same age

It is also interesting to look at how the average speed has changed over time through the years:

all %>% group_by(sex, year) %>% summarise(`Average runTime` = mean(runTime, 
    na.rm = T)) %>% na.omit %>% ggplot() + geom_line(aes(color = sex, x = year, 
    y = `Average runTime`)) + ggtitle("Cherry Blossom Run Time 1999-2012")
**Figure 5: M/W Avg Speed by Year**: Speed for each sex over the years

Figure 5: M/W Avg Speed by Year: Speed for each sex over the years

This trend can really imply two things. Either A) we are as a society getting much slower and much less in shape, or B) more people are attending the Blossom run every year, and the barrier for entry feels lower. To test that, we can check the count of the number of men and women attending each year:

all %>% group_by(sex, year) %>% summarise(Attendance = n()) %>% na.omit %>% 
    ggplot() + geom_line(aes(color = sex, x = year, y = Attendance)) + ggtitle("Cherry Blossom Attendance 1999-2012")
**Figure 6**: Attendance has been rising at the Blossom run!

Figure 6: Attendance has been rising at the Blossom run!

A promising trend! It appears that attendence has been growing very fast for both genders, meaning the longer run times are due to increased attendance!

3 Conclusion

This case study exemplifies what Data scientists everywhere will confront in their daily work life. While we would prefer to be focused on feature creation and modeling, most of our time is spent cleaning data so that it can be analyzed. The Cherry Blossom dataset is a great example of the types of data entry/collection errors that data scientists confront on a daily basis. For further analysis, one might consider doing an individual analysis of top runners over time and collecting their individual training data (heart rate and GPS) in order to try and establish which years of training yielded them the best times. Some models that might prove useful are Random Forests, XGBoost, or logistic regression.